Friday, February 21, 2014

Knock Out

Everyone has a different upbringing. Everyone has had their ups and downs. It's easier to spend the rest of your life living as a victim or even a survivor than to step out and be an overcomer.

 What would it look like to live as an OVERCOMER? An overcomer is someone who has triumphed over adversity.

It's like in boxing when we just put our arms up to defend the constant punches from the opponent. Every punch from the opponent is like a hurt or lie that is happening or one that remains after an incident is over. It's time to be an overcomer and fight back. We are NOT meant to just get punch and wait for time to run out so we can go home. We have to stand up and fight those lies and hurts.

I'm born in a third world country. My family has very little money growing up. My mom has passed away at a very young age. I have a masters degree yet I'm still here waitressing waiting for my big break. The lies that I face everyday are so overwhelming but enough is enough. I can't play defense anymore. I will fight those lies that I'm not good enough and I'll never mount to anything. I will change the world. I will make a name for myself. It's KNOCK OUT time.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Crunch Time

So it comes to my attention that I am a very goal oriented person. I like deadlines but I like the freedom to do whatever and whenever as long as I get it done in time. 

I love school for this reason. I get all my deadlines at the beginning of the semester. No one is breathing down my neck to do anything. I have the freedom to do my own thing but I always make sure things get done. 

This is challenging when it comes to writing because I don't have deadlines, at least for now anyway. I try to set up my own deadlines but I'm not good at keeping it. 

Oh the challenge of wanting to do things my way but also needing a certain level of structure of keep me motivated enough to get it done. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Staying True To Myself

As a human beings, we want to be loved and liked. Sometimes the price we pay for that is far too high. We sacrifice things and relationships too easily because of disapproval without thinking it through. Sometimes the people we love the most don't always know what's best for you.

I don't care so much for strangers' opinions of me but I do care about what the people closest to me have to say. However, I have come to a point where I have to take a stand for who I am. 

My choice to be a writer has taken on a much bigger role than just a career path. It has taught me to stand up for myself. For too long, I have let other people's opinions batter me. Yes, sometimes people don't think through before they speak and they have a right to an opinion but it's MY CHOICE to let it affect me or not. I use to think if I act or think the way people wanted me to then people will like me but I slowly lose myself in the process. 

To look in the mirror and see the person you're meant to be fighting to come out is sad. It's sad because I know I am the wall the prevents the real me from coming out. I want to write and I'm going to keep writing. I know I have a lot of good things to say. I want to change the world for the better. I want to inspire others. I don't always know what's next or how to proceed but I'm really ok with that. It's scary but I'm happy.

At the end of the day, I look in the mirror and see a beautiful and talented woman that God has created. I must forge on for my own sake.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sleepless nights!

I've never been a late night person and I really love my sleep during the proper hours of "darkness". Staying up until 4 or 5 in the morning has never been my thing but it seems really hard to fight those inspirations. 

In the last couple of months, I find myself most motivated to write or play around with my site between the hours of 1am and 5am. I get all these ideas and it's like,"Thu, you better go write this down because it's not going to be around in the morning."

I've been sick the last couple of days and I am exhausted from the lack of sleep. Silly congestion and sinus headaches. Yet last night, I have the motivation to spend hours revamping my whole site because I have a moment of clarity of where I want to take my site.